Thanks for the update. Even though we can't and won't stop, my intuition is that the back is broken on this gender ideology madness in Canada and its just a matter of time before the 'professional' associations (and I use that term very loosely) change course. The problem is that like so many manias, cults and social contagions before, very many people have their entire identities committed to this (not to mention their egos) and some have made irreversible commitments - and parents have caused harm to their children, and they can't easily walk it back. But in the end, I am confident the mania will pass, and reason and empirical evidence will prevail. Thank God this hasn't gone on for decades (yet).

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Let’s hope a Conservative gov’t will have the courage to change the current butchery.

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I cant comment on what future politicians might do, or not do, but ordinary people are waking up to the madness. The problem is, all of these initiatives have been done top down and imposed on people, and in many cases were not thought out properly, in terms of legal/rights considerations and many other unintended consequences. The medical part, transing minors and the social contagion would be the first order of priority, in my view. Its the social contagion that is my largest concern. Plus the general authoritarian nature of the activists behind it all.

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And the problem is, the activists have conflated all sorts of issues together, so the whole thing is a mess. Most people including me, support the idea of trans people having human rights and being treated with respect. That is fine as a starting point, and is totally reasonable. However, from the get-to its clear that top down forces have been at work on this file, using Machiavellian methods, as laid out in black and white in the Denton's Document.

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Women also have human rights,as do men. That does not mean men can use women’s changing rooms, play in their sports or share female jails. Trans are no different. Trans can do their thing and most will not object, but do not for a minute think that they can infringe on other people’s rights.

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Yes, great point. This conflict of rights, which was entirely foreseeable to most people, seems to have been completely missed by the people (and activists) who set up these laws and policies.

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Thanks for this article. For those of us relatively new to the discussion (and not living in England), it's very helpful to have the researchers, agencies involved, and the process used by NHS clearly explained. As a Canadian, I've been appalled at the position taken by various medical organizations in Canada and the US. Sadly, your GOBSAT explanation is entirely plausible.

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If u would like to read well presented opinion pieces, read Janice Turner’s column every Sat. in The Times newspaper. She is also on Twitter.

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The transgender medical industry will be considered one of the World’s most damaging interventions. Mastectomies and genital operations are nothing but a financial windfall for its practitioners. Humans cannot change their sex and standing naked it would be perfectly obvious what plastic surgery has occurred..

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