Thanks for a thoughtful commentary. The lack of coverage by the Canadian media, the National Post excepted, is concerning and the fear of retaliation on social media in particular is to blame. Hopefully the changes that have occurred in Finland and Sweden and especially the debate in the U.K. will prompt a discussion in Canada. It will help if the emerging LGB Alliance can continue to grow , leaving the TQ to fend for themselves. I can’t help but feel that the average voter not involved in transgender issues, lumps the LGBTQ, as the name implies , into one block. It is up to us to highlight the effect on self declaration on female rights and that there be law suites that challenge the lack of any clinical guidelines that empathises psychological care of gender dysphoria.

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The force teaming of TQ with LGB is a huge problem. Younger lesbians are really suffering from predatory behaviour by TRAs, and this is absolutely why the LGB Alliance is determined to advocate for their own issues, which are so different from thise of TQ individuals. I for one want to support them. They suffered so much in the 80s. I remember.

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Great article laying out the current situation in regards to bringing gender issues to the attention of a wider audience. Thank you.

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I think we need to form a group -- "Democrats for Gender Sanity"?-- (or something like this) to BREAK the BS narrative that it's a R vs L issue. In fact, it's an 'informed' vs 'disinformed' issue.

The LW is more disinfomed because the way Gender was sold in the US was as a progressive civil rights issue, via capture of LW institutions, & billed as a suicide lowering measure.

Everyone over 50 is easy to "peak." Having lived in "pre-gender" times we can see how cockamamie it is.

We really need LW visibility on LW media. People appearing on Tucker Carlson are preaching to the choir and LW people easily dismiss RW sources.

Maybe we need a sit in at 30 Rockefeller Plaza-- to shame MSNBC into actually covering this?

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I hope that the detransitioners can have the fortitude to go public, sue the doctors who acted recklessly and hurt them in their wallets. Maybe that will result in medical / surgical practises that promote psychology as the mandated treatment in <25 yr olds. Money is what this is all about.

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Always worth waiting for. Thinking about a tribunal happening in fits and starts where the woman being disciplined by her college has experienced outrageous attempts to disqualify her expert witnesses on the most spurious grounds imaginable, while the witness for the other side is given a free pass. I think that your observation about swing voters was spot on. As always, thanks for your thoughtful analysis.

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nice try TRA

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there actually are a lot of homophobs in the world and many are republicans and religious ppl. but those ppl dont know the names and addresses of ppl in the LGB aliance and call women "turfs". the garden variety homophobs doesnt know who these groups are. but you do. you hate ppl who stand in the way of then mens rights movement called gender ideology. and you pretend to be against gender ideology so that its critics are branded homophobs

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people who are obsessed kara dansky arent homophobs. the two groups are mutually exclusive. maybe you should check with the other homophobs on what youre supposed to say

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One reason for the existence of the new LGB Alliance is that youth currently channeled into trans gender treatments are exhibiting gay or lesbian preferences, not transphobic ones. Lumping them all into one group is counterproductive. It is not only sexual abuse, but bullying, even poverty and good old capitalism that is driving the transgender movement.

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